Protect Local Control

Ensuring Community Rights
To Pass Smokefree Ordinances

State Status

No Preemption

Legislative Summary

SB1 - (workplaces, restaurants, and bars) - An Act prohibiting smoking in certain places - Died in House Judiciary Committee; Session Adjourned

This bill prohibits smoking and the use of e-cigarettes in enclosed workplaces and public places including restaurants, bars, and hotels/motels. Smoking is not allowed within 50 of healthcare facilities, within 10 feet of entrances to a bar or restaurant, and within 20 feet of entrances of other places required to be smokefree. The bill was amended by the sponsor to allow an exemption for smoking on a marine vessel when the vessel is engaged in commercial fishing or sport charter fishing. The bill was amended on 3/23 to remove the provision prohibiting smoking within 50 feet of an entrance to a health care facility, clarify the smoking shelter language, and amend the penalties section.

  • Preemptive Action


  • Anti-Preemptive Clause


Exemptions: Smoking is allowed in tobacco retail and e-cigarette stores; a vehicle that is a place of employment when the vehicle or vessel is used exclusively by one person; on a marine vessel when the vessel is engaged in commercial fishing or sport charter fishing; a private residence unless used as a child care, adult care, or health care facility or is a hotel or motel; and in authorized smoking shelters.

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