Protect Local Control

Ensuring Community Rights
To Pass Smokefree Ordinances

State Status

No Preemption

Action Alert

Help make Alaska's SB63 happen!

Publication Date: 2018-04-12

It's the last week of session and your calls/emails are making SB63 happen!

We've heard from legislators and their staff that the smokefree statewide bill has generated the MOST CALLS and emails that they've had on any issue in recent memory!

Wow! Great work applying pressure - it's all making an impact!

This life-saving bill FINALLY had a hearing in the House Rules committee and a committee substitute was sent to the full House for its first reading yesterday. SB63's committee substitute is now back in Rules waiting to be scheduled back to the Floor for a vote (possibly tomorrow or Saturday).

But of course, there are several problems with the House Rules C.S. for SB63. Namely, there are now exemptions for electronic cigarette use and secondhand marijuana smoke indoors in public places, and an option for local communities to "opt out" of smokefree public places.

Please call and/or email your State House Representative AND the House Leadership now. 

Here's a sample message to use:

 "My name is [your name] and I'm calling to ask you to help the smokefree indoor workplaces bill. E-cigarettes need to get back into the bill and no one wants to breathe secondhand marijuana smoke in strip malls. There is no need for the local opt-out clause. Breathing is not optional. I'm asking you to help the bill stay strong and move forward to pass the House floor. A strong bill will protect Alaskans from exposure to health hazards from secondhand smoke and e-cigarette aerosol in the workplace. Thank you."

Click here for your House Representative's name, email and phone number. 

House Leadership:

Speaker Rep. Bryce Edgmon - 970-465-4451

Majority Leader Representative Chris Tuck - 970-465-2095

Finance Co-Chair Rep. Paul Seaton - 970-465-2689

It's important that they pass a strong SB 63 for smokefree Alaska this week.

Additional Talking Points:

* Don't leave anyone out. No Alaskan should have to sacrifice their health for a paycheck. Every Alaskan deserves a smokefree environment regardless of where they live. Opt-out schemes leave people unprotected and will create confusion for business owners and the public.

* Regardless of the debate of whether electronic cigarette products serve a role in cessation, there is simply no need to use them inside shared air spaces (such as workplaces and public places) where others are then subject to the hazardous secondhand emissions. Just like traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes and marijuana should be used in ways that don't impact the health of others.

Click here to read the full alert.

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