Protect Local Control

Ensuring Community Rights
To Pass Smokefree Ordinances

State Status

Any Preemption

Legislative Summary

HB2245 - (workplaces, restaurants and bars) - A Bill relating to the Virginia Indoor Clean Air Act - Failed

This bill repeals the prior Indoor Clean Air Act to create a new law that prohibits smoking in all indoor enclosed areas, including restaurants and bars. The bill repeals the current preemptive language and includes a specific anti-preemption clause.

  • Preemptive Action

    No (already preempted)

  • Anti-Preemptive Clause


EXEMPTIONS: Smoking is allowed in private homes/residences/automobiles and home-based businesses unless used as a child/adult/health care facility; indoor areas where private functions are being held; hotel/motel rooms; specialty tobacco stores; tobacco manufacturers; and private and semiprivate rooms in nursing homes and long-term care facilities.

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