Protect Local Control

Ensuring Community Rights
To Pass Smokefree Ordinances

State Status

Any Preemption

Legislative Summary

AB75 - (workplaces, restaurants, and bars) - An Act constituting the executive budget act of the 2009 legislature - Relevant information removed

This bill amends the current state smokefree law to prohibit smoking in all enclosed workplaces, including restaurants, bars, and private clubs. It is part of the broad 1743 page budget bill. See pp.1178-1186. The bill language addressing smokefree air was removed in favor of an independent smokefree bill.

  • Preemptive Action


  • Anti-Preemptive Clause


EXEMPTIONS: Smoking is allowed in private residences; rooms occupied by one person or by more than two smokers in assisted living facilities; and 25% of hotel/motel rooms.

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