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Action Alert

No April Fools North Dakota - Please contact your lawmakers!

Publication Date: 2013-04-01

No April Fools!

Big Tobacco is working in North Dakota to pass HCR 3033, a resolution that would waste the state’s time and money to “study” whether products like chewing tobacco are safe alternatives for people who currently smoke manufactured cigarettes. This could potentially lead to requiring health departments to promote chewing tobacco, e-cigarettes and other “smokeless” products under the guise of “harm reduction”. Educate your legislators about this tactic and tell them NOT TO BE FOOLED by Big Tobacco. Remember: The only harm the tobacco companies want to reduce is any harm to their profits.

Whatever Big Tobacco pariahs have to say about tobacco harm should be taken with a block of salt. Tobacco companies are not legitimate stakeholders in discussing health prevention policy. HCR 3033 has been scheduled to be heard in the Senate Human Services Committee on Tuesday, April 2nd at 10:00 am.

While tobacco companies smooth-talk about harm reduction and corporate social responsibility, they still oppose real evidence-based practices such as strong smokefree workplace laws, comprehensive tobacco prevention programs, higher taxes, local control, FDA action, RICO remedies, and a broad range of other policies that would save thousands or millions of lives. Bottom line: HCR 3033 is Big Tobacco racketeers interfering with public health policy in order to maximize their profits and tobacco product consumption.

As a private citizen, your voice matters. Tell your Senate Human Services Committee members to not be fooled by Big Tobacco’s tactic and contact them today (April 1)!

Email addresses for the committee members:,,,,

Thanks for taking action today!

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