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Action Alert

Speak out against Alabama's weak smokefree bill!

Publication Date: 2014-03-06

Alabama House of Representatives Should Protect All Workers and Residents from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke

Vote NO on SB 168 - Weak Smokefree Air Act

You should know that your efforts to protect ALL of Alabama’s workers are being compromised by a pending bill that will leave thousands of fellow Alabamians exposed to secondhand smoke in their workplace. With the help of tobacco industry lobbying, SB168 is quickly moving through the Alabama legislature.  If Senate Bill 168 passes, many legislators may think the fight for smokefree workplaces is over and that their work on the issue is done. 

The bill, sponsored by Senator Vivian Figures and supported by the Tobacco Industry, fails to offer comprehensive protections by exempting employees and patrons in bars, cigar bars, and tobacco retail shops. Bar employees and patrons face some of the highest levels of exposure to secondhand smoke. It makes no sense to leave them unprotected. The proposed bill would also exempt e-cigarettes which emit secondhand aerosol – which poses similar health risks to secondhand smoke from traditional cigarettes.

Hurry! Tell the House Health Committee Members that the fight is far from over!  Please ask Committee Members to vote NO on this bill and to support a comprehensive smokefree law for Alabama.

All Alabama residents and workers deserve smokefree workplaces. No one should have to choose between his or her health and a paycheck!

Click here to send an email to the Health Committee Members today!

Thank you for taking action!

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