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Another View: Don't bring smoking back to NH restaurants

Publication Date: 2017-01-31
  • Author:David Gottesman
  • Publication:New Hampshire Union Leader

In 2007, the New Hampshire Legislature passed a law that prohibited smoking in restaurants. It was a law that 79 percent of the New Hampshire public thought was a good idea. As the prime sponsor of that legislation while I was in the Senate, I was proud to have led the way, and appreciated the efforts of so many who had tried in the past, but were unable to get this law over the finish line.

Then-Gov. John Lynch signed the bill into law. Those who feared it would be the end of their restaurants found that not only was it not a detriment to their businesses, but actually it enhanced the experience of dining out for so many who lived in New Hampshire or came here to enjoy our hospitality. Why on earth would we change that law now?...

Please call or write your state representative or state senator today to let them know that you do not want House Bill 279 to pass. If you don’t get involved now, you will wonder in six months how this change came about...

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