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News Summary

Attention Turns To Legislature In Wake Of Lincoln Ban

Publication Date: 2005-01-20
  • Author:Scott Bauer
  • Publication:Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan

Now that Lincoln's smoking ban has taken effect, all eyes are on the Legislature to see if it will attempt to enact a similar statewide prohibition. . . .

While Lincoln's ban is the first of its kind in Nebraska, similar prohibitions on lighting up are becoming more common across the country as nonsmokers complain of second hand smoke and the number of those who indulge continues to drop. . . .

But after Lincoln voters in November overwhelmingly approved a ban for the city including restaurants and bars, anti-smoking forces both in the state and out are hoping for more successes...

The Nebraska Legislature, which convenes on Wednesday, also is expected to consider the issue of a statewide ban. Past attempts to pass such a bill have failed.

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