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News Summary

Proposed smoking ban controversial

Publication Date: 2009-03-25
  • Author:Renetta DuBose
  • Publication:WLFI

Health orgs. want all or nothing

The Indiana House of Representatives passed a smoking ban weeks ago, but, it allowed several exemptions.

Now, the bill is in the Senate and the sponsor there wants all or nothing.

Some legislators and health experts said they would rather see the proposed smoking ban die than allow exemptions.

"Presently the bill states that there are exemptions to the casinos, to taverns and bars and non-profit organizations such as the Eagles and the American Legion, and to local ordinances that can supersede the state law," said Ron Alting, (D) State Senator, District 22.

Some state senators and the Lafayette Chapter of the American Cancer Society want to amend the house bill to allow no expemtions. Tippecanoe County Tobacco Free Partnership Coordinator Tristan Kirby said health is the number one concern.

"If we do not provide protection for all workers and we pass a watered down bill, then it's much harder and much more difficult to come back later and change our mind and try to protect our workers," Kirby said.

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