State Status
No Preemption
"About 90% of legislation at the state level [adversely] affecting our industry will not be enacted... [Why?] Because we're good. That may sound arrogant, but I don't know any other way to put it."
Walker MerrymanTobacco Institute
Illinois workplaces are 100% smokefree
All Illinois indoor public places and workplaces, including bars, restaurants, private clubs and gaming facilities, are 100% smokefree as of January 1, 2008. The state law built upon the nearly 70 communities that enacted 100% smokefree workplace laws after local control was restored in Illinois in January 2006. Read Illinois' law.
To learn more, visit Smokefree
To file a complaint, call 866-973-4646 or use an
online form.
Illinois Restored Local Control for Smokefree Workplace Policies
Illinois law no longer preempts the passage of local smokefree laws. In 2005, Illinois repealed preemption and returned control to the local level by allowing home-rule municipalities to enact smokefree air laws. In 2006, preemption was fully repealed to allow all non-home-rule municipalities and counties to enact smokefree air laws. Local laws were enacted in 36 communities in 2006 alone--the most laws passed in a single state in a given year in history!
Current tobacco-related statistics are available from the Centers for Disease Control's Tobacco Control State Highlights, 2010.
Read more about current tobacco-related legislation in Illinois.
Illinois' 2018 Legislative Session: January 10 - January 9, 2019
Legislative SummariesArchives
- 3/8/2019HB1836—(technical change)—An Act concerning health
- 3/8/2019HB1839—(technical change)—An Act concerning health
- 3/8/2019HB2276—(vehicles with minors)—An Act concerning transportation
- 3/8/2019HB2724—(vehicles with minors)—An Act concerning transportation
- 3/8/2019SB1864—(e-cigarette use)—An Act concerning health—Passed Public Health Committee on 3/5
Action AlertsArchives
- 4/30/2013Help Make Illinois College Campuses Smokefree
- 2/4/2011What's happening in the U.S. Territories and Commonwealths?
News SummariesArchives
- 7/31/2019States Are Thwarting Cities' Attempts to Govern Themselves
- 4/29/2019In Washington, Juul Vows to Curb Youth Vaping. Its Lobbying in States Runs Counter to That Pledge.
- 1/4/2019Illinois smoking law turns 11
- 10/13/2017State lawmakers choose winners and losers through preemption
- 7/6/2017Blue Cities Want to Make Their Own Rules. Red States Won't Let Them.
- 5/10/2017The Threat of Super-Preemption
- 3/6/2017Preemption Prevents Innovation
- 2/21/2017City Rights in an Era of Preemption: A State-by-State Analysis
- 2/2/2017Red State, Blue City
- 1/5/2017GOP aims to rein in liberal cities
- 9/9/2016How ALEC, ACCE, and Preemption Laws are Gutting the Powers of American Cities
- 8/22/2016Blue Cities, Red States
- 6/28/2016Colorado Preemptions of Local Government: The Need for the Colorado Community Rights Amendment
- 6/23/2016State and Local Comprehensive Smoke-Free Laws for Worksites, Restaurants, and Bars--United States, 2015
- 4/6/2016From Fracking Bans To Paid Sick Leave: How States Are Overruling Local Laws
- 4/1/2016Growing Southern cities are increasingly targets of state pre-emption
- 3/25/2016Beyond North Carolina's LGBT Battle: States' War on Cities
- 2/4/2016Corporate Interests Take Aim at Local Democracy
- 8/6/2015Blowing the Whistle on ALEC's Little Brother ACCE
- 7/7/2015Four Ways ALEC Tried to Ruin Your State this Year
- 5/17/2015Say no: States increasingly blocking cities and counties from imposing mandates on businesses
- 5/8/2015State lawmakers hate federal meddling even as they preempt local government
- 3/30/2015The ALEC-Backed War on Local Democracy
- 2/23/2015Govern Yourselves, State Lawmakers Tell Cities, but Not Too Much
- 2/17/2015Proposal would add e-cigarettes to Illinois smoking ban
- 8/23/2014Illinois may soon ban smoking in beer gardens, outdoor seating areas
- 8/17/2014Quinn signs bill banning on-campus smoking for state colleges
- 12/27/2012Illinois celebrates smoke free anniversary
- 8/5/2012Smoke-Free Illinois Act called success
- 3/11/2012Forum: Don't weaken Illinois' anti-smoking measures
- 1/20/2012Illinois lawmakers ponder loosening smoking ban
- 5/10/2011Illinois mulls smoking ban loophole to lure back gamblers, raise casino revenues, tax receipts
- 4/12/2011Our Opinion: Don't allow smoking in casinos
- 4/1/2011Rolling back state smoking ban would be a first in U.S.
- 3/14/2011Cheers & Jeers
- 3/10/2011Illinois Casino Workers May Soon Be Exposed To Secondhand Smoke
- 11/20/2010Veto session: Second week could be frenzy or fizzle
- 11/16/2010Smoking could return to Illinois casinos
- 2/5/2010State Preemption of Local Smoke-Free Laws in Government Work Sites, Private Work Sites, and Restaurants United States, 2005-2009
- 10/28/2009House passes smoking-ban exemption
- 1/13/2009Smoking ban enforcement measure passes Illinois House
- 10/29/2008Two judges rule differently on Illinois smoking ban
- 4/17/2008Senate rejects smoking exemption for casinos
- 2/21/2008Smoking ban amendments voted down
- 1/23/2008Proposal dredges smoking from the ashes