Protect Local Control

Ensuring Community Rights
To Pass Smokefree Ordinances

State Status

No Preemption


"Because regulations in general may be more effective if generated and enforced at the local level, considerable energy is devoted to the issue of opposing or repealing preemption of local authority by states. Public health analyses have resulted in strong recommendations that state laws not preempt local action..."

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Reducing Tobacco Use: A Report of the Surgeon General, 2000


Arizona implemented its 100% smokefree law on May 1, 2007, which brought smokefree air to all Arizona's indoor workplaces and public places, including restaurants and bars. Click here for more information about Arizona's statewide smokefree law, including answers to frequently asked questions. Read Arizona's 100% smokefree law.

In November 2006, Arizona voters approved Proposition 201 by 54.2% of the vote to implement a strong smokefree indoor air law, despite more than eight million dollars of tobacco industry money spent in opposition. More than 57% of Arizona voters defeated Proposition 206, a weak counter-initiative sponsored by the tobacco industry.


For information on the smokefree law, visit Smokefree Arizona or call (877) 297-8677.
To report a violation,
call (877)-429-6676 or fill out an online form.

The Smoke-Free Arizona Act does not preempt the passage of local smokefree laws. Local municipalities in Arizona are allowed to pass stronger smokefree measures to include areas not currently covered by state law. Read more about current tobacco-related legislation in Arizona.

ANR has additional information on Arizona economic impact and public opinion data.

Current tobacco-related statistics are available from the Centers for Disease Control's Tobacco Control State Highlights, 2010.

Arizona's 2018 Legislative Session: January 8 - April 21

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