Protect Local Control

Ensuring Community Rights
To Pass Smokefree Ordinances

State Status

No Preemption


"The American Lung Association/American Thoracic Society opposes all forms of preemption of state and local tobacco control authority. The ability of any government entity to enact tobacco control legislation is a cornerstone of an effective tobacco control policy. There is no trade-off worth the price of preempting a state or community's right to pass tobacco legislation."

American Lung Association
Policy Principle on Tobacco, April 1999

West Virginia

West Virginia is perennially successful at defeating attempts to enact preemptive legislation. West Virginia communities have consistently taken advantage of their right to local control by adopting smokefree laws to protect the health of their workers and residents from secondhand smoke in workplaces. More than 80% of West Virginians live in a county with a 100% smokefree workplace law. However, less than 40% of residents live in counties with smokefree restaurants and less than 15% of residents live in counties with smokefree bar laws. All workers in West Virginia deserve to breathe clean air because secondhand smoke exposure can cause of serious disease and death in every smoke-filled worksite, including bars and restaurants.

To learn more about WV smokefree efforts, visit The Smoke-free Initiative of West Virginia.

West Virginia law does not preempt the passage of local smokefree laws. Read more about current tobacco-related legislation in West Virginia.

Current tobacco-related statistics are available from the Centers for Disease Control's Tobacco Control State Highlights, 2010.

West Virginia's 2018 Legislative Session: January 10 - March 11

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